Cs Name: Nightingale Merriwick Gender: Female Age: Unknown Species: Witch Faction: Potion Witches Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/28LBQDnS/l-QPGDUhr-Ib-3-Bs-Q3vt-Kc-Qv-Lj-AWR4q96sy-LTRWCG6-FA.png[/img] Personality: Nightingale is incredibly smart gaining the higest IQ for her tests for five years on the run. Whether it be her inkling that helped her out or just her own intelligence it doesn't matter. Nightingale just seems to know what everybody wants from her even without them uttering a single word. She has become the most famous and well known Psychic that has ever lived having people travel hundred of thousands of miles just to see her, offering gift such as ingredients, money or even outright bizare items such as eyeballs, kidneys, fingers and hair. Still, she remains completely modest and sincere. There is never a day when Nightingale hasn't got some sort of busy schedule. She loves to help others whether it be strangers or close friends. She tries her hardest to avoid battles but sometimes that isn't always an option. When she does do battle she tries to end it as quickly as possible using her superior magic skills and alchemy. Powers: Alchemy, Potion Manipulation, Potion Imagination, Fantastical Potion Creation, Animal Telepathy, Environment Perception, Superior Inkling Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: