Cs Name: Fenrir Gender: Male Age: 35 Species: Feral Faction: Pixie Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/rsXLKNzP/b2428fb929e0766c0814ca750127495b.jpg[/img] Personality: "You think you can beat me? THEN COME AT ME! I DARE YA!" Fenrir is an exremely overconfident power mad warlord. He only cares about pure raw physical strength. Fenrir is definitely a strange one, with a mind of a crazed wolf. He takes any challenge, no matter what it may be and any fight he takes is always to the death. He has a code of honor, that if he fights you, nobody interferes. No matter what. Even if it means he is losing he will gladly accept a warrior's defeat. Fenrir is a short tempered asshole who will make even his allies suffer if he is double crossed or feels like he is betrayed in any way shape or form. He will not stand for any kind of interferance. When he is calm, he is smart and conniving. When angered he goes into a focused rage, his power increased tenfold and his intent to kill is chokingly breathtaking. Powers: Battle Magic, Almighty Strength, Wolf Physiology, Ink Manipulation, Corruption Magic, Heartless Magic Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: