[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ee/66/8a/ee668ab2eb74f44c0cc851b63b8d8ed2--demon-girl-girls-.jpg[/img] She has a second mouth on her stomach Name: Phagora Gula Age: 18 Demon or Human: Demon Full or half blood: Full Sexuality: Unsure, but thinks she might be bi Power: The All-Devouring Maw- Phagora can stretch her jaws to unnatural sizes to devour items much larger than her head Personality: Phagora goes out of her way to be sweet and friendly, especially with her contractees. She gets far more souls damned with honey than many do with vinegar. She enjoys magical studies, and due to her heritage, is the kind of cook Gordon Ramsey can only dream of being. Bio: Phagora is the daughter of a Duchess of Gluttony, and grew up in a life of luxury, even by demonic standards. She's made a few trips to the mortal realm, and is being sent to Cello to finish her education before being well and truly unleashed upon the unsuspecting mortals.