[hider=Ogdranich, Eater of Memor] [quote] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/faded-memory-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210325/3adeae0b2ebed0d3097284b27313b6f5.png[/img][/url] [url=https://youtu.be/sM5hlrkaPSo][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/021/167/644/4k/donat-tobler-donattobler-witches-the-caretaker-50pc.jpg?1570639245[/img][/url] [color=#747474] [sub][i]"Here we experience the first signs of memory loss. This stage is most like a beautiful daydream. The glory of old age and recollection. The last of the great days."[/i] [b]— Leyland Kirby[/b][/sub] [/color] [/center] [color=#747474] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] THIS SECTION HAS NO DESCRIPTION. [b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b] THIS SECTION HAS NO DESCRIPTION. [b][u]Demon or Human[/u][/b] Demon. [b][u]Full or Half Blood[/u][/b] Full-blooded. [b][u]Power[/u][/b] [b]Mnemonic Consumption:[/b] Much as the name suggests, it appears that Ogdranich can consume memories at will, albeit with a few caveats. First, it must be within at least five feet of its chosen prey, and only then will it be able to feed. This act often manifests in the mortal plane as a slow build up of mental static or fuzz within the brain. Second, it must select a specific memory to consume, though from what can be observed it appears as though Ogdranich is highly limited when it comes to both quantity and speed. Meaning it can, as of the present anyway, only consume one memory from one individual at a time. Furthermore, it is also limited by content, currently only being capable of stealing inconsequential memories stored in the short-term rather than the long. As such it may make a human forget where they left their keys, but not the name of a loved one or their dog. Finally, assuming it has been bound to a summoner's will by ritual or oath, Ogdranich cannot use its powers in a way that conflicts with their desires. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Unknowable, distant, indifferent. To call Ogdranich anything else is to fundamentally misunderstnd what it is. It is not an entity of its own body and mind, but a distant watcher of others. A infinite abyss of stolen hopes, faces, desires, goals, and dreams. It is that demon outside of any and all description save for that assigned to it by its need, that being to consume the personal histories of every human on Earth. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] THIS SECTION HAS NO DESCRIPTION. [b][u]Parents[/u][/b] THIS SECTION HAS NO DESCRIPTION. [b][u]Familiar[/u][/b] THIS SECTION HAS NO DESCRIPTION. [/color] [/quote] [/hider]