[quote=@Dark Cloud] That first one scared me, then the text was like "That'd probably be a conversation between Serji and Dex" :lol [/quote] That meme image would "ironically" be Seiji sending and Dex responding, solely because Seiji would probably see him as a prime target for trolling. But it's actually [i]Seiji[/i] responding to Empusa, or any other female, in terms of being the answer to his sexuality. XD Remember that video that describes their relationship dynamic? [quote=@ZAVAZggg] A terrifying romp too, especially when you find out what the brief moment of lucidity for the people Ogdranich has fed on entails. [/quote] Seiji looks around the room, thinking to himself: Man, is it just me or are ALL these girls absolutely smoking? Hell, I don't really swing that way but I'd even say all the guys who aren't me are [i]unusually[/i] attractive... He turns his head and catches sight of Ogdranich: [hider=BWRRRRRRRURRRRRRRRRRAAARRRRRRR][youtube]https://youtu.be/VNgo1EV2NVY?t=8[/youtube][/hider] [quote=@Dark Cloud] Dumb room pairings, Dex has a shared room to himself >:[ [/quote] There's a frantic knock at the door. Dex opens it to see Seiji standing there, blazer torn at one sleeve, panting. Seiji: "THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, LET ME IN, SHE WON'T DO ANYTHING WITH A WITNESS IN THE ROOM--" Dex slams the door. There's a muffled struggle, then a scream. There's a calm knock at the door. Dex opens it to see Empusa standing there like: [img=640, 360]https://images.sftcdn.net/images/t_optimized,f_auto/p/c6a08bec-96bf-11e6-abbc-00163ed833e7/3981467623/yandere-simulator-screenshot.jpg[/img] [@Queen of Aces] You have a return PM, and if it's okay I'll just go ahead and put my CSes in the CS Tab in the topic.