[h3][center][color=steelblue]🕈 Seiji[/color] & [color=orchid]Empusa ♡[/color][/center][/h3] [center][b]1st Floor Entrance Lobby[/b][/center] [hr] As the other residents of the Home began to get their bearings, yet another odd pair walked through the doorway. First came a young man, clearly Japanese, wearing a ruffled black blazer and dress pants as if he had been on his way to a job interview. Because of his age and height, perhaps, it still looked a bit like a high school uniform. Behind him, or rather, clinging to his arm with her head laid upon his shoulder, was a Demoness. Her striking figure and scant wardrobe challenged even the white haired beauty draped over the couch. “Empusa?” The young man had to put a bit of effort in to pull his arm out of the bodacious bosom enveloping it, so that he could cross both of them with an exasperated look. The bags under his eyes, his sallow cheeks, and pale skin tone further emphasized how clearly “done” he must be. “I can’t help but wonder why we’re here.” “It’s one of life’s great mysteries, isn’t it Seiji-kun?” The demon girl tilted her head to one side with a smile, her big green eyes wavering just a moment as she glanced around the room. “Like, we kinda already know there’s a God out there, since we’re here, but is there really a plan for everything? Does anything really have meaning--” “No, I mean WHY are we HERE!?” The boy ran his hands through his unkempt black hair. “In this DEMON HOUSE! In HELL!” He crouched down on the floor with a groan, a waft of spiritual energy drifting out of his mouth as if he could just die right there. “This ain’t even my afterlife, man...My family’s Buddhist…” “Aw, don’t be nervous! Look, you’re not even the only human here!” Empusa gestured to the rest of the group. With a charming smile and a bounce to her step--and seemingly everywhere else on her--she waved a slender hand back and forth at them all. “Hello, everyone! I’m Empusa, and this is Murakami Seiji! He’s from Japan!” Said Earthling raised two fingers in a mock salute. “Yo.” [@Queen of Aces][@Dark Cloud] “Oh, little Lilith! Look how much you’ve grown!” Empusa seemed to know the white haired one in the lingerie. Seiji didn’t look directly at her, but if his eyes strained any harder at the corners they were going to tear into his hairline. He gulped. Empusa, meanwhile, flounced on over to the smaller red devil. She stood over him with her hands clasped behind her back as she tilted her head, this time with a puzzled look. “I don’t think I’ve met you before, but there’s no mistaking that aura! You’re one of Lord Lucifer’s children too, aren’t you? Are you okay?” [@Chris488]Meanwhile, Seiji tore his gaze away from Empusa’s rear and actually took stock of the surroundings. After noting that only one door--the one behind him--actually seemed like an exit, he made a quick mental note of which furniture might make the best impromptu weapon. Then he noticed two of the other humans and how...detached, they seemed. More focused on each other than anyone else, and they had similar features. Siblings perhaps, maybe even twins? He stood, dusted his hands off on his knees, and walked over to them. “Sorry if she’s too loud. Are your Demons like that too?” He assumed that the white haired girl and the small red guy were their Contractors, just like Empusa was his own. “I uh...don’t suppose there’s a chance either of you know what’s going on here better than I do, huh?” As a means of greeting, he held his hand out to the boy of the pair. It felt odd, since normally he would bow, but these two didn’t look Japanese. As a matter of fact, he questioned if they could even understand him right now. He had never properly learned English, but Empusa had never seemed concerned about it...maybe there was some kinda magic at work here, like in those Isekai novels. The poor schmuck who got pulled into a world full of things waiting to kill him always got a bonus Translation ability or some crap like that.