[quote=@Akayaofthemoon] [@metanoia] It’s funny cause I was mentioning the exact same thing about Jordan and Ross to Potem XD I was like two opposites that both don’t know how to apologize. This should be a lot of fun and very interesting. Clint is a sucker for my own heart! That part about the hair thing got me so good >.< always gives me those feels. Plus who doesn’t love a big brother type. Charlie is just super sweet and I love that she is like the resident tech but also just this amazing optimistic person that rallied them all together. I would do anything for this gal [/quote] I think what I'm looking forward to most is how Jordan handles Ross when he goes through one of his dramatic meltdowns. :lol [@Potemking] I'm honestly looking forward to Clint and how he approaches the new recruits. There's a sorta idea in my head about how I can see Ross getting involved but ofc will have to see exactly what the setup for said recruiting is. Also when I read CLint's sheet, my first thought was the cowboy from lightspeed rescue. Though, of course, minus the major flirt Joel was with the doctor. :lol