[quote=@MetalWeight] [i]I've thought a bit about Seiji, not gonna lie.[/i] His entire existence is literally running around screaming for help, [b]but everyone just treats it casually like as if nothing is happening.[/b] Literally getting brutally screaming for help while getting dragged away into a doorway and everyone isn't even paying attention [i]as if its suppose to be happening.[/i] The door slams and its like "Oh yeah we'll just leave him in there, ignoring the loud noises." [s]I'd be careful joking about Aurora getitng involved too, I mean, that whole dakooters video would be a accurate representation of Aurora cornering Seiji. [b]UwU and all.[/b][/s] [/quote] *Seiji reads the first half* "Yes! Someone finally [i]understands[/i]!" *He reads the second half* "NOW THERE'S TWO OF THEM!?" *Empusa actually steps in front of him and uses her [s]Unlimited Blade Works[/s] magic to summon a giant shield.* "No! Down girl! Don't make me get the squirt bottle! He's my territory! Isn't that right, Seiji?" *a wooden log wearing his blazer with two crayon eyes drawn on is sitting there. It falls over* *Seiji can be seen through the window, SPRINTING into the distance*