[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210131/53a200cc81a754fbfea32363291eca9d.png [/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=92278f][b]Location:[/b][/color]The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr][color=92278f]“Mm, every now and then I suppose I could be just a teensy bit irresponsible,”[/color] Seele giggled, at once relieved and disappointed with how easy it was to lie, when it mattered. [color=92278f]“Though I think I’ve just been nervous about that new dungeon, honestly. And those poor villages. I hope it isn’t this bad in [i]all[/i] of the regions.”[/color] [color=#2E2C2C][i]Can you see it?[/i][/color] She made a dismissive wave at herself. Such negativity was unbecoming, and certainly not the thing to say to someone trapped in just as bad of a situation as everyone else. Seele adopted her smile, and listened while Alex put in his two-cents on today’s plan. Like her, he seemed exhausted, just in a different sort of way. He’d said himself that the routine was beginning to eat at him, and of course, she couldn’t blame him. What he was saying made sense; Pariah was real now, and real meant reality. Reality meant responsibility. People didn’t often play games seeking that sort of thing out. She imagined Alex, like most reasonable people, wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of having to pick up a fantasy nine-to-five. [color=#2E2C2C][i]Of course you can.[/i][/color] Well, she didn’t have to imagine very hard. Alex spoke often and frankly—but not [i]unkindly[/i], she’d noticed. He wasn’t blunt like Rael or Graves, or analytical like Kazuki. He was genuine, and easy to listen to. A bit like Alja, albeit with less of a…presence. Over the past couple of weeks, she’d found herself enjoying what conversations they had, and she was glad to have him accompanying her. [color=92278f]“You’re right, unfortuantely. As long as we’re staying in Thorinn, the Drox Hall is about as close as we’ll get to steady work, but it’s still better than nothing I suppose. Hallmasters it is. Hopefully they’ll have something for us.”[/color] She gave him a little wink. [color=92278f]“Fingers crossed it has nothing to do with the sewers. Shall we?”[/color] [color=#2E2C2C][i]How could you not?[/i][/color] Together they left the Laughing Worg and went about navigating the morning foot traffic to make their way to the Fraternity Hall.[/indent][/indent][/indent]