"9 Hrs Ago: 45 posts in subscribed topic..." HOLY SHIT *sees it's just OOC* Oh thank God. [quote=@Queen of Aces] Ah wageslave... How I miss thee. Unfortunately I was laid off due to lack of hours and I have been able to find another job in my small ass town. [/quote] Yeah I should probably be counting my blessings, since I never lost work because of the pandemic and such. I don't know what kind of skillset you have or if you have the uh, stomach for it, but if you're in a smaller, more rural area like I am, you might want to look into any nearby funeral homes. The industry tends to be understaffed in general, and has more positions than people realize. You might find some office/administrative work, or IT related stuff, or just follow a funeral director around as an assistant. Just be clear with 'em upfront if you don't want anything to do with the uh, "pickups" and "prep work." EDIT: My post will come in sometime around 6:00 PM CST United States, unless something comes up. If I play my cards right I might actually get off early tho so we'll see.