Cs Name: Gorgona Gender: Female Age: Unknown Species: Gorgon Faction: Dust Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/mgzKfYPw/IMG-20221014-WA0000.jpg[/img] Personality: Gorgona is a kind and respectable woman who takes her time as a Queen to greet and pay respects to other leaders. While most see her as a conniving and cunning woman, she tries to show them that not all Demon Snake wielders are evil. She will go out of her way to help others. Healing them, giving them money and donations whilst giving the respect they deserve. There have been many places where she has been banned fron going due to who she is and she respects that. At times Gorgona can be sarcastic, condescending, snarky and teasingly playful especially to her enemies. With children specifically she'll make sure she doesn't patronise them, treating them with respect and authority especially those like Kiwi. When it comes to Naru, he is her best friend. She trusts him absolutely and listens to his advice. She has vowed to somehow help him to become a respected and trusted Demon. Powers: Gorgon Physiology, Fear Manipulation, Demon Force Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Flower Manipulation,Leaf Manipulation Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Pet Name: Naru Pet Age: 2000 Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: Demonic Death Snake Pet Personality: Naru is the child of Maru and so he isn't entirely trusted amongst most people. There are those who believe he is playing the long game and that he is still secretly working for Maru. He understands that trust is hard to gain but easy to shatter. Maru has set a bad reputation for Demon Death Snakes so he understands Clara's concerns as well as everyone elses so he doesn't complain about the constant supervision. He is smart and logical, he won't fall for Maru'sm manipulation or trickery. He won't allow himself to be deceived. As any Demon Death Snake would do, Naru will give advice to Gorgona when he can. He will try his hardest to show others he can be trusted and he isn't manipulating them or deceiving them such as Sky, Grace or Clara yet he also knows by trying to prove to them he isn't manipulating or deceiving them in a way casts more suspicion on him which makes him frustrated. Still, he refuses to give up. Pet Powers: Demon Snake Physiology,Demon Force Manipulation,Energy Manipulation