Elements for a roleplay (I may have some basic plot ideas for some of the elements. How this works is you contact me with a loose (or not) idea using the elements below or ask me what I might want to do.) I do not do: ■ Sci-fi (I'm kind of on the fence about this, but I might be interested if you have a good idea) ■ Zombies (boring) ■ Animal-human things (includes werewolves/cats) Will do: ■Gang-related storylines ■ Paranormal ■ This War of Mine-inspired ■ Black market ■ Urban setting ■Wild west-inspired ■ Medieval, Skyrim-inspired setting (craving, have a plotish in mind) ■ Family-orientated ■ Brothers/very close friends ■ Cult following ■ Magic/Witches ■ Survival ■ Closed off community (I have a plot for this one) ■ And more when I come up with some. Feel free to contact me when your own ideas <3. Alright well, I'll be here. If you want to contact me you can through PM, here or on Skype (Melchrome1 is me).