Ozragad listened as the Princess opened up to him. It... it had not been what had expecting. He had merely wanted reassurance that whatever it was that was troubling her was not going to get in the way of his planned piece of political propaganda. Instead she had bared her inner thoughts and fears to him. He did not know if he managed to keep the look of surprise from his face. But was it really so surprising, not her confiding in him, but that the stress and anxiety caused by the assassination attempt would be weighing heavily on her mind. [i][color=f7941d]So do you believe she is innocent now, or do you think this is just another ploy?[/color][/i] And then that question she asked him, what was on his mind? When was the last time he divulged his private thoughts to anyone other than Manawyndan? [color=f7941d][i]And to you even trust him enough to do that anymore? [/i][/color]When was the last time he had an honest conversation without all the powerplays, the politics, the deception? He honestly could not say. Not for many, many years. Probably not truly since Liveuta had left him. [color=f7941d][i]Ah there you go, tell her that, tell her your are thinking about another woman. A better woman.[/i][/color] For a while they rode on in silence down the stony track, passing over a small brook that came tumbling down from the rocky hills above. The King mulled that question over in his mind again and again. Eventually he spoke, his voice still low, a bitter note to the words. [b][color=f7941d]"I am thinking about all the people I used to trust, and why they seem to be so few these days."[/color][/b] A half truth, he was thinking about a particular person he once would have trusted with all his heart, and he knew exactly why she was gone.[b][color=f7941d] "This is by no means the first time someone has tried to kill me. I remember feeling so afraid the first time, I was only a child then, but it gets less the longer you keep surviving. I suppose you get used to it, in time." [/color][/b] He cleared his throat and craned his neck to observe what the rest of the party was doing as they spoke. Lord Iria jested with an annoyed looking Lord Urathon, whilst Manawyndan watched the King and the Princess like a hawk from nearby. Lady Cheladrine seemed to be arguing with her eldest, Elethiomel. Her younger son was bothering the irate Captain Rhiathon, who in turn scanned the horizon for the outriders she had sent ahead to scout their path. [b][color=f7941d]"Was that your first brush with death, Princess? Or have you tasted it before?"[/color][/b] He turned his golden gaze back towards her. He found suddenly that he wanted to know. He wanted to be able to trust someone else.