Shock revelled in the new peace, and briefly discussed the mechanics of the bomb she built at the Finklesteins' lab with Sobki, as after the initial thanks, he genuinely was interested in some of the mayhem Jack let them get away with. "Now, I can't give away [i]all[/i] my tricks," Shock explained, "but let's just say the counterweights were precise. The second she picked it up..." "...She throws the balance off," Sobki said. "Exactly!" Shock said. "Ka-BOOM!" She lifted her arms (and now-empty glass) with an enthusiastic jump. Sobki awkwardly laughed with her afterwards. He sipped his punch and conveniently stepped to block Shock's line of sight as Chad came back. Lock smirked at Chad's response. "Oh, I've got a strong tongue, all right." He glanced up at Lillith with a suggestive quirk of his brows. Shock glowered for a second, then moved to take a drink herself, before remembering the emptiness of her glass. Her glower melted into a devious little smile as she realized she and her brothers could still fuck with Chad. Barrel awkwardly returned the fist bump and stuffed another poison puff in his mouth solely so he wouldn't have to speak to Chad. Damn. What a waste of adderpepper juice. Shock excused herself from Sobki to get more pumpkin lager. She ignored Chad as she grabbed a pastry, stuffed it into her mouth, and made her way back to Sobki. Lock went back to Lillith. He drank more of his punch to further counter that awful beer. He found the cup pulled from his hands mid-sip, and himself falling back into Lillith's awaiting arm. With a small yelp, he reached to wrap his arms around her neck. Once he recovered, Lock smirked and reached up to kiss her. His tail found its way behind her to give a gentle, retaliatory slap on her ass.