Big Red gave a low sigh before stepping back from Archer Girl. It seemed like Druid Girl wasn't a visual learner, and despite moving slow she hadn't followed what his feet had done. He rubbed the back of his neck while watching he two girls interact. [color=red]"Focus on the foot work. Upper body can come later since weapon fighting is mostly edge alignment. A staff has no edge."[/color] He said as he moved off to the side away from the two. She was willing to try and that's what really mattered, with proper footwork she could actually move away from danger without exposing herself to the pointy bits of it. He watched the two with a critical eye to correct mistakes on both girls. [color=red]"If I were human sized I'd just put your feet on my own and teach you the movements that way...but I'm just a little too big."[/color] He mused as the day progressed. Learning the sweeping footwork wasn't hard until you started to go faster. Hell maybe if they got higher ranked and got more money he could hire a proper monk to teach them all. He was basic and instinctual, advanced things were beyond him.