[center][h1][color=c0c0c0]Sirius Leverant[/color][/h1][/center] [indent]Sirius wasn't sure if the disbelief made his outrage better or worse, as he seethed in the second-hand embarrassment of having invested his emotional energy into a group of losers. It was a small consolation that he hadn't put money on the match; he would need his stipend from home to continue purchasing outside food, or his rage truly would have nothing holding it back. Still, his inquiring mind needed to know just how it was possible a team with such a track record managed to botch such a simple game, and as he frantically tapped his way across the screen to find just that out, he caught sight of something—[i]someone[/i]—in his peripheral vision. [color=mediumspringgreen]"No need to get so worked up, here I am. Don't worry, you still have two other wishes,"[/color] He looked up just in time to hear that, and witness the bright, bubbly smile that accompanied it. The sweetness with which it was delivered might have softened the resolve of many a male cadet. Not so for Sirius. He had known this type before, even attracted them. The green stripes on her uniform at least separated her from the average harlot in his mind. Aurora de Realis-Donati, a fellow pilot-in-training. He had gone to the lengths of memorizing at least those who would be his competition in the rankings, something those of lesser colors did not have the privilege of. But acknowledgement wasn't a shield from his wrath. He affixed her with piercing silver eyes for a long moment, expressing both disdain and perplexity at her statement as he mowed over his response. Apart from her pedigree, there wasn't so very much that separated her from the others of her ilk. Well, aside from one thing. The vexation of his gaze changed to a certain sharpness as he came to a decision. [color=c0c0c0]"You aren't the kind of cow I was wishing for."[/color] Another piece of jerky found itself between his lips after he deadpanned those words.[/indent]