An evolved Mewtwo? Fake or real? Either case, definitely worth investigating. The only problem was that detective Looker knew about her, but he wouldn't be around according to that Bianca girl. While they walked back to Lumiose city, Kjolmar and Olli seemed to exchange some background information about themselves. Charlotte couldn't do that, obviously, as it would expose her. But... they'd find it strange if she remained silent, so she'd have to think of something. Perhaps she could fake an interest in their backgrounds. "What did you mean, you [i]hàd[/i] a Lucario, Olli? By the way, it's so cool that you study pokemon mythology." They walked back in to Lumiose. Of course she knew where Looker's office was, she had been avoiding it earlier. "So, where does this [i]Lacker[/i] guy work? North boulevard?"