There is a moment where Chen looks uneasy. What if little Kat disdains her and walks away?! She'd be rejected forever by the most powerful authority in all the world and then where would she be? But then she hops into Chen's lap instead and she's making her way up for a head smash and oh gosh she's so fluffy and her paws are tickling Chen's thighs and she can't help but start laughing! "T-thank you!" she manages between her laughter, pulling the little fox into a hug and getting those little paws off her very ticklish legs. Deep breath, okay. "Thank you. It's um, Chen of the Northern Wind, Princess of Sourcefall and Ys, heir to twin sunshards, [i]and[/i] aspiring artist, but just Chen is fine. Unless you ever have to meet my moms, especially Hestia, she really likes all the formality stuff, then we can practice together." Chen is all smiles though, the kind of unabashed, hug a fox, sunshine bursting through your face delight that's just impossible to fake. And for a moment, she just revels in that. At meeting all the people here who fill her heart with joy and make her flush with pleasure and just how great the day has been and how nothing could possibly take that away! Then she remembers all the things that could definitely take that away and puts her game face on. "Alright, well, if you don't want to be Qiu's handmaiden, you're going to need to either convince her yourself or find a place to hide. And maybe some disguise magic too because she's got posters with your face in every town by the lakeside. Do you know a place that would be safe and hidden? Or does anyone here? Cyanis, or Rose maybe?"