After Lyle, others began to show up. A yuke and a clavat. The yuke was Liaset; part of some weirdo yuke family in his neighborhood. He heard lots of gossip about their weirdness, and some of his siblings get the creeps around them, but they've yet to do anything to him or his family (As far as he knew), so Lyle didn't have much of an opinion on them. The clavat he only sort of knew; his name was Riku and he came form a family of merchants. That was about it. He did question his ability in a fight, but than again Lyle didn't really know him, so he didn't know if he was any good. They'd see soon enough; the mayor arrived to give them their farewell speech. The mayor's speech started well enough, but about half-way through it started to loose everyone's interest. Lyle was given the chalice, immediately filled with a sense of both dread and resolve. [i]"This is what's going to save the village... Myrrh in this little cup."[/i] As soon as the old coot left, Rika ran off towards the wagon, and Lyle followed shortly after. She got behind the reins while Lyle threw his pot into the back of the wagon, and than himself inside. He was still holding onto the chalice as he waited for the others to show up, including a late comer. It was another yuke, Aramine. She was a shy kid, but she was okay in his book; his siblings go to her family's shop a lot to get their clothes patched up and they're nice, so he liked her. [b]"Hey Aramine! Welcome aboard! Almost missed the caravan. Well? What are you waiting for? Hop on!"[/b]