[hr] [center][color=6ecff6][H1]Azariah Kravchenko[/H1] [H2]The Bone Sea[/H2][/color][/center] [hr] [color=6ecff6]"Sure about that?..."[/color], asked quietly said to the knight who said that they will meet the Queen immediately with a tone of surprise. For such an esteemed monarch, ruling over the greatest city in all of the dead land of Deadwood, she sure didn't mind having an audience with such a scruffy, dirty, and blood stained lot. Either she was fine with facing herself with such a humble group, or she was just in a hurry to get this thing over with. Or she's really the mad queen everyone says she is. ... [quote]"... What did you all come here for? Riches, safety... but why? Down there, money is truly worthless when you get down to it."[/quote] [color=6ecff6]"Well, Your Majesty..."[/color], Azariah respectfully bowed to the queen, though his short height meant that he was just making himself even tinier in the sight of the glorious queen of Exusia. [color=6ecff6]"Money is still of value in the Karlezek Enclaves, the realm which I come from, but I do not intend to return to the lands below, as the Deadwood, save for this flying city of magic and perhaps my homeland, is a cesspool of endless chaos and discord. But if I were to choose between the underground dungeons of my people or this citadel in the sky, I'd rather choose to live in the one that is quite literally detached from the troubles of the world below us. And of course, the riches that were promised would be good, if I were to stay in this flying city."[/color] He neglected to mention that he was trying to avoid responsibility back in his home land... because that would just be an embarassing detail to share. Maybe to one of these new companions to his later on, but the queen didn't need to know that. It's too much... ...