A little thunk followed by scraping was also followed by a rather vexed "Damnit...." From the Great Inventor as he lifted his walking stick from the ground and pushed the thin blade back to the shaft. Few tightened screws seemed to fix the problem of premature and accidental piercings. [i]Good thing I carry the tools with me... Someone might have lost an eye with that...[/i] Cadogan thought to himself and made his way forwards - well... he wasn't sure how much he was going forwards, more like in larger and larger circles. The white haired man examined the city with great interest and every once and a while he adjusted the rose shaped silver hairpin that kept his hair away form the left side of his face. He remarked to himself that it was probably good he hadn't had a shave yet, or people might mistake him for a woman - again. Deep in thought the former Great Inventor of Dumont wandered around the streets as the sun began bathing the city with it's warm light. He had been on the road for what... A week, maybe two, but Cadogan hardly missed Dumont - not that there would be a place to go back really. The slightly sour expression of his became a faint little smile as he bought a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread - though the smile faded as soon as he had paid for the purchase. Even if he would win the competition that was about to happen later today he'd be in trouble if the prize was not paid in gold. There was no reliable way of contacting his relatives and king Aaron had probably confiscated what was left of Cadogan's personal property. Thus the Great Inventor was up to his bollocks in debt at the moment. Cadogan pried the bottle open with his teeth and took a little sip. The wine atleast was pretty good for it's price and didn't leave a bitter aftertaste. A little mischievous smirk made it's way to the white haired man's lips as he came to a simple conclusion. [i]We are not going to be here for long... Even if I don't win the competition there will be long enough time for us to leave before people come asking their money back. Unless we end up being here for more than two months... In that case my bollocks will be on the chopping block...[/i] Cadogan shuddered at the idea and took another sip of wine to calm his nerves. As he walked past a bench on which sat a familiar looking person - in truth he at first passed the bench before his brains registered that it was Chii. He glanced over his shoulder, took a large sip from the bottle and coughed politely as he walked to within and arm's reach of the li'll dragoness. "Oi, li'll miss, I don't think that's a very good spot for sleeping." Cadogan stated in his most overtly polite and stuffiest tone before taking a rather ungentlemanly gulp of wine and continuing with his normal tone. "No offense, but you seem like you have had better days." He politely lifted the bottle up a bit. "Want a sip?"