[hr][hr] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/UtTUXzJ.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210301/58fbadf35a6b73fb7638a7b83a5616dd.png[/img] [sup]Interacting with: Riley location: heading to Camp Grounds[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] This girl was going to be the death of him. Remus coudn't help the sigh that escaped him as Riley darted off, across the road, seemingly weaving in between cars and ignoring the honks of horns as she did so. Right from the moment he had saved her ass, she was constantly getting herself into more danger. The girl seemed to attract it- and she seemed to not fear anything. Remus winced as she recklassly dashed between two cars- much too close for Remus's comfort. He was going to have to chase after her, to stop her... He was going to... He closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth. She was going to be the death of him. He drew in a deep breath, and cursing Riley under his breath, he watched the cars a few seconds before he followed after her. He rushed through the lanes, cursing her thoroughly as he did so. [i]This is not a good idea, this is NOT a good idea. AH! Fucking car! At least once I get her to cam-Oh, fuck, truck truck truck![/i] He spun, dashing as fast as he could [i]She's going to make me learn if you can die of fright, I fucking know it.[/i] Breathing hard, he dropped down to the ground, waiting for his heart beat to slow. [color=DCDCDC]"Fucking crazy bitch!"[/color] He managed to get out, causing Riley to let out a laugh as she stood over him, grinning. [color=9370D8]"You were pretty good there. What was that spin?"[/color] she asked cheerily- did nothing cause her fear, did nothing dampen her spirits? [color=DCDCDC]"it was a there's a fucking truck twirl"[/color] He said, before sighing again and getting to his feet. [color=DCDCDC]"Just because I'm the son of Phobos, doesn't mean I want to be scared shitless all the time"[/color] Well, he was scared shitless most of the time anyway, but that wasn't the point. Riley gave another laugh, and smiled again. [color=9370D8]"It wasn't that bad. Lets go!"[/color] Remus shook his head wearily, starting to walk again. What sort of fate was this, one of a few times where he left the camp, and this happens. He supposed it wasn't so bad, but really... didn't she ever think of not risking death? She trotted off ahead slightly, seemingly enjoying the plant life around them- once or twice he was sure that he saw her brush against a plant slightly- leaving it healthier than it had been. She seemed to do it almost as if it was second nature, and hehad to wonder how long she had been using her abilities. It was no wonder he had found her facing down monsters. There was a feeling of immense relief wasing over him as they passed the camp boundaries. Home. It was good to be back into the relative safety, and as they moved through the trees, coming out into the grounds of the camp, Remus let himself relax further. [color=DCDCDC]"I'll take you to see Chiron... He can see about getting you settled in... "[/color] And he could escape, before this girl seriously was the death of him. [hr][hr] [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/15/1b/4a151bf0dc0ddc418c0f480458248cfe.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210304/896d64611c6c24868d89076240d047db.png[/img] [sup]Location: heading to Camp Grounds Interacting with: Riley[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] Riley couldn't help but feel... excited. The rush over the road- she had felt exhilerated, and she couldn't help but find the forest, the trees, the flowers struggling so hard to grow as anything but irresistable. To nudge them a little, let them bloom... She sighed happily. She really couldn't understand what Remus was so afraid about- well, she supposed that there was a few things to be afraid off... Shaking her head, She glanced over to Remus as he spoke. He was going to pass her off to someone else? A little perturbed- she had grown somewhat accustomed to his pressence, it was oddly comforting, in a.... well, sibling sort of way. She supposed that in a way, they were cousins... That was a rather disturbing thought. How many cousins- shit, how many siblings did she actually have? She shifted slightly, the little carrier that held her hedgehog moving as the little creature moved, and she lifted the carrier up, looking through the grate. [color=9370D8]"Hey, sleepyhead"[/color] She said, grinning at Rose. [color=9370D8]"Looks like we've finally reached this camp. Going to be fun. Look! We made it in one piece too, despite Remus being a worry wort about it!"[/color] She shot Remus a grin, and earned a small smile in return. She'd count that as a win. [color=9370D8]"So, where is this Chiron?"[/color] Remus hesitated, [color=DCDCDC]"Possibly the big house... I think it was the tower today, but I can't hear anything, so it must be ov-"[/color] He paused as the... annoucement from... was it the Chiron he was talking about? Or someone else? [color=DCDCDC]"Something seems to have happened... Well, perhaps you'll meet Dioynsus too."[/color] He said, starting to walk again, and Riley followed, a little apprehensive now- as if she was being sent to the Principles office. [hr][hr] [centre][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/297687592/original.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/LmbfRsr.png[/img] [sup]Interacting with:[@Vicier] Kep[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] She was such a frigging clutz. Often, though, others weren't around to see her trip, stumble, or crash into things. Of course one of the times she was a fool in front of others, it would be crashing into someone. She really needed to be better, to watch where she was going, to lool- Well, even when she did look, she still fell or stumbled, or hurt herself. It was one of the reasons she enjoyed horse riding or flying with the Pegasus. At least she could stay on their backs, and the chacnes of falling were slim. There were, however, worse people to crash into then Kepano. She didn't want to think about what might have happened if it was one of the Ares kids... or some of the more forward Aphrodite kids. [color=0072bc]"He should be use to me being hurt- as evident on the walking disaster that I am."[/color] She replied, although she found herself confused on his actions- which was a norm with her as well. Walking disaster, clueless and mainly known for being Grey's little sister. She ought to be use to that, too. [color=0072bc]"I... "[/color] where was she going? What did she think she could do to help? She had no fucking clue what was going on at the moment, and what she could actually do. [color=0072bc]"I'm just thinking about what happened, rocked up just as the annoucement was happening... "[/color] She said softly, a frown crossing her features once more. [color=0072bc]"I was thinking about what I could do... and was probably going to migrate to the stables."[/color] But really, she had no idea. She was certain that she'd just be in the way if she tried to help. [color=0072bc]"I-"[/color] As Dionysus made what amounted to a second annoucement, she paused. [color=0072bc]"Another quest?"[/color] she bit her lip. He hadn't exactly said it was for a quest, but... Grey was being called- and a part of her couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Erin's task was against the Gods... if Grey was sent on another quest, it wouldn't be as dangerous. [color=0072bc]"Well, uh... Not sure where I'm going, to be honest. Seems like there's a lot going o- "[/color] a thought crossed her mind, and she stopped what she was saying, looking back to Kepano, [color=0072bc]"Wait, were you here for the annoucement at the tower?"[/color]