[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-unseen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210325/8905c84bc53f206157cad3ade7508475.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Interacting with:[/b] [@PrankFox] [@The Elvenqueen] [@solokolos] [@Hazelrah][/center] [center] As Maplestream raced urgently back to camp, she began to wonder if leaving camp without warning her Clanmates the way she did was a good idea. She knew the camp was vulnerable right now with their medicine cat and leader gone, but she needed to make sure the journey to the Moonpool was going to be safe for Fernstar. Stonefall could watch over camp with Duskwing and Spidernose right? She knew Moosepaw was only an apprentice but he was big and would make a formidable opponent in the event of a battle. Honeypaw was, well. . . small. She was sure she hadn't been gone that long, and maybe no cat had missed her yet. As she exited part of the denser forest on the edge of WillowClan territory, she started being able to hear the cold, roaring rapids in the distance. She winced and her skin jumped to life as her pads touched the bone chilling cold of the slabs of stone bordering the water. Anxiety prickled her pelt as she realized how slick the surface of the rocks were. It was the dead of night and every inch of the forest was shrouded in snow and ice. If she slipped and fell into the rapids, she would almost surely die.[/center] [center] She stopped in her tracks as she caught the scent of Sunfur and Stormheart laced along the rocks. [color=BA55D3][i] Did they come looking for me?[/i][/color] She could tell the scent was recent, and she wondered if they were still wandering the forest searching for her. She lifted her head and called out through the silence of the forest. [color=BA55D3][b]"Sunfur? Stormheart? Can you hear me?"[/b] [/color] When she got no response, she picked up her pace and continued towards camp. When she finally reached the territory nearest to willowClan's camp, her heart began to race when she realized the strange scents she had smelled earlier had grown more than twice as strong. Was the camp in danger? Had the Clan been invaded? There was no more time to waste. She was certain her Clanmates were in danger, and she suddenly hated herself for leaving camp without Stonefall's permission and without warning. If there's been a battle if will be [i]my[/i] fault. With the force of a cat twice her size, she burst through the dense undergrowth at the camp's entrance and scanned the edges of camp, her thoughts racing with panic. But she realized, the camp was quiet. Scanning the edges of the camp, she noticed Stonefall heading towards the nursery, three cats she had never seen before in tow. Were these the strange cats she had scented on the way here? What did they tell Stonefall? She tried to relax her haunches and urgently padded up to Stonefall. With a more than obvious cautious look at the three strangers, she blurted out, [color=BA55D3][b]"Stonefall! I'm sorry I snuck away from camp, but there's something important I need to discuss with you, right away."[/b][/color][/center]