[CENTER][color=f49ac2][b][h1]Zinlynn[/h1][/b][/color] *~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/CENTER] As Zinlynn looked upon the funeral pyre, she almost hears none of the conversation between her allies. She was on her knees at disbelief as she tried to process what just happened. Thankfully she was able to snap herself out of her stupor, however her cheer had significantly diminished from before the fight. She stepped up to her friends as they spoke of the goblin and she finally chimed in, her voice soft and quiet, "[color=f49ac2]I believe we still need to question the goblin first. We need to know what to expect and what they want with Gundren. It's good that there is a path we can follow, but we need to be prepared for any possibility first...[/color]" Her voice grew fainter at the last sentence. She had seen the ambush coming way ahead before the actual ambush, and yet...that didn't help Ironheart when he needed it the most...