[color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200813/17181ebdfc32cad7ca2f462514d3159c.png[/img][hr][hider=Ely][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/d0/ce/cdd0ce9eeaf6c6804356ef21afcab4ca.jpg[/img][/hider][/center][hr][color=2e2c2c]lightseagreen[/color] Elysia gathered her things after the conversation was seemingly over. She had a lot to think about. And she needed to study the notes from today's class. She purchased another coffee before leaving knowing that no matter what, she was gonna crash from sleepiness despite how much caffeine she consumes. Might as well get some help to stay awake long enough to study. At home sitting at her desk, she felt her eyes becoming droopy as she looked over the notes. In order to stay awake, she decided to copy what she was reading while also occasionally looking at the textbook. Eventually, this devolved into ignoring the notes and taking an even closer and more critical look at the book about the various things that started to seem more real. She took out her laptop and began doing even more research on the details and terms that stuck out to her. She even studied up on the person who wrote the textbook and looked at the various sources mentioned. She had become so lost at what she was doing that when she looked at the clock she saw it was almost 3 AM. She had entirely lost track of time, but somehow she had fought off the grogginess for the time However, as if on cue she felt her eyes closing heavy as she laid her head down on her desk. The buzzing of her phone caused the young woman to stir. Grabbing it she looked at the group chat. While she wasn't having dreams she was certainly not happy with waking up to a weird drawing. She stretched as she sat upright. The desk was not a good place to sleep. Looking at the new drawing which she had apparently drooled a little bit on, she was extremely confused. It was a picture of the TA in an outfit that resembled a maestro. Elysia's brain felt like it was melting. What on earth does this even mean. She grabbed her head and rested it down against the desk and groaned. She was going nuts. At least she had a lead finally but what did any of this mean. She still had no idea why she was drawing these things while sleeping. Maybe it was these drawings that kept her from having the weird dreams. Taking a picture of the drawing she sent it to the group chat, [color=lightseagreen]"New drawing this morning. Does this mean anything to anyone?"[/color] Feeling her stomach rumble she decides to do her morning routine and eat as she waited for some form of response. [/color]