The night sky had settled in as the battle concluded. After the battlefield had gone, Rui, Haruto and Sora were left blanketed what the few stray rays of street lighting they could get. Rui was [i]very[/i] close to Sora. [color=#ffbae8]"Don't apologize, you dummy..."[/color] was all she could say to comfort him after the fact. Sora apologised to Wolf, and in that moment, Lumia spoke up. [color=#FFF83B]"Don't worry, Sora-kun. Wolf is just resting."[/color] she said. [color=#FFF83B]"Battling is rough on us Avatars. It sucks all the energy right out of us. He'll be okay."[/color] [color=khaki]"It's the same for my Sacchi."[/color] Haruto suddenly chimed in. He had his back turned to both Rui and Sora. Without looking back at them, Haruto raised up Sacchi's card. Sacchi was curled up into a ball, peacefully resting as his chest bobbed up and down. [color=#ffbae8]"Who cares about you? You're horrible,"[/color] Rui spat back at him. Sora also had something to say about the situation. [color=cornflowerblue]"I thought we were best friends."[/color] Haruto turned to Sora. Haruto's face was neutral, expressionless. Just like it had been throughout the battle. [color=khaki]"I guess we were, huh?"[/color] he replied. Rui blinked twice. [color=#ffbae8]"Best... friends? Sora, you know this guy?"[/color] she questioned her brother. It wasn't her brother that answered, though. [color=khaki]"I've known you and him for years. You're a Commander too. Your memories of me must be stolen."[/color] Haruto told her. [color=#ffbae8]"Don't give me that! If you're his friend, then what was this about!? Why would you toy with him like this?"[/color] [color=khaki]"For my wish,"[/color] Haruto replied in monotone. He opened his hand; five golden coins were inside of it. [color=khaki]"I'll do whatever it takes. Even if it's taking advantage of Sora-kun."[/color] Haruto turned his back to the two of them again. [color=#ffbae8]"Wait! I'm not done with you yet!"[/color] Rui called back to him. Haruto tilted his head so he looked back over his shoulder at Sora. [color=khaki]"I meant it when I said I didn't want to get you involved. Even if we were friends, now you're just another Commander for me to defeat. Stay out of my way, Sora."[/color] Haruto walked off after saying his piece, even when Rui protested it. As her attempts were all ignored, just her and Sora were left behind. After Rui was done watching Haruto's back she turned her attention to Sora. She gave him an apologetic smile and took his hand into her own. [color=#ffbae8]"...I'm sorry, Sora. It's my fault for yelling at you. Let's go home, okay?"[/color] she requested of him. Rui began tugging on him to bring him back. A familiar, nostalgic feeling washed over her. When she tried to place why, static filled her head. Rui stayed strong for Sora's sake and didn't let it show she was in pain. She knew, though. She knew [i]what[/i] was causing the headache.[hr][color=#ffbae8][i]"...promise...!"[/i][/color][hr][color=#ffbae8][i]'...I'll remember our promise, Sora. And when I do... I'll make sure to keep it, too.'[/i][/color]