[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Pub Room > Hallway Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Magic related wasn't exactly much to go off of. Maddie thought back to fairy tales and Disney movies, trying to find who would send such a flock to them and why? His first thought was Grimms Tales which he was sure mentioned crows in Cinderella, but he didn't think Miss Midnight would be the culprit. His mind immediately went to Maleficent, the cause for all of this turmoil in the first place. But...he was fairly certain that Diablo was a raven and not a crow. Then again he may of been miss categorizing these birds this whole time. It was rather hard to pinpoint exactly what they were as they stormed in and flapped about. He tried to think of more tales until Layla flicked them in the ears causing him to cover his ear with his hand as he rubbed it gently. [Color=99CC00]"That smarts you know."[/color] The sting lingered for a moment, distracting him from everyone's reactions to their kiss and keeping the pink blush of his cheeks at bay. Did Maleficent hold a grudge for the knife he threw at her? After all she enchanted an entire kingdom for not being invited to a birthday party so perhaps she was just the type of Karen to hold a grudge for blood drawn. Maddie was about to voice his theory, see if those of this world may know a bit more, until Wednesday Adam's, er, Megan, came bolting up sword drawn and saying something about Rumple and her brother Jack. Out of the fire...and into the frying pan. Maddie held Colbys hand tightly, afraid that he might lose him too. [Color=99CC00]"Why would he take Jack? How did he take Jack? Who even let him in here?"[/color] There were too many unknowns, and Maddies adventure was beginning to seem less Bilbo Baggins and more Frodo.