[img]https://images.cooltext.com/5182140.png[/img] As Yuuto watched, Bak began to make a spectacular show of swaying, and ended up crashing into the snack table. Even better, some poor sap had gotten himself wet. As Bak apologized, the figure antagonized her. It was then that Yuuto recognized him, but Bak beat him to the punch. Yuuto just watched as Bak nearly escalated the verbal altercation into a brawl he would have no problems jumping into, before she stomped off to the dance floor. Yuuto approached Nasaraph. [color=92278f]"[i]Urusai, kono yarou.[/i] You speak ill of Bak-san again, and I will turn you into new custom feather quilt to gift to her. [i]Baka yaro.[/i]"[/color] With that, Yuuto followed after Bak, chuckling at her last-minute insult that she hurled at the bird boy.