[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Iy3wznf.png[/img] [h1][color=f7941d]Port Algec[/color][/h1][h3][color=f26522] Briefing [/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Listening in on his Centurion's informal meeting was somewhat underwhelming. Roose had thought that military officers would immediately go into sharing war stories, like the hired guns out on the Empire's outer border would when he used to operate around Armen. The complaints about mediocre food did make him want to interrupt and point out how the countryside was just filled with wild boars roaming the forests, waiting to be hunted and made to delicious pork steaks. Yet, Roose metaphorically bit his tongue and leaned back on his chair. Interjecting into his superior's personal conversation was probably not the smartest thing to do. As he was settling in, Roose could not help but notice Skye's loud prompt at someone over in the back. In fact, half the room probably noticed. While the irony of her calling someone a kid was definitely not lost on Roose, he knew that she would most definitely be an authority on knowing who belongs to a military briefing, civilian or otherwise. However, as Amaya introduced herself as a doctor, Roose figured that they might be essential to the operation as a consulting operator or in another supporting position. It took quite a brave effort to actively invite Skye's contempt though. And perhaps it takes that, boredom, and stupidity to get in between both of them as Roose would do. Making his way towards Skye's side, he had this to say. [color=#f4be0f]"Now, now Skye. Obviously Doc Yashia here is gonna take our blood pressure or something before we head off to space. Carius Tadmoore, by the way."[/color] he would state, extending his hand out to shake the doctor's.