So just to give a little more context, since Hibiki and Gileta had grown up toguther in the poucher base, the two always had a very close relationship. Even before Gileta showed signs of having the Matriarch Form. She always consider Hibiki her closest and dearest friend, since they shared a familer personality and were often affectionate to each other to support another after whatever Experment they endured that day. To Gileta, Hibiki personality change and form change have changed what she loved about her. While she never directly said it, Gileta loved Hibiki dearly and wanted her to be her mate but because of the situation they were in and the fear of losing her, she could never pluck up the courage to ask her. Right now, She blames Chuck for Hibiki change, epically since she feels Hibiki has basically lost who she was, since she's now closer to an Ice Queen instead of the affectionate girl that she was before. While Gileta would never directly tell Chuck that he's to blame and she hates him for what he did to Hibiki, she will make it clear she does not like him as much anymore.