[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tSXlUpY.png[/img][/center] [hr] Among the personnel on board the Cathartes, perhaps there was none as valuable to the Federation and Zeon remnants as the boy currently in front of Disker. Technically, Marlowe was now an adult but the childlike wonder from his youth never faded. Disker had the displeasure to chronicle this when he was among the ranks of the Titans as an experimental mobile suit engineer. While he wasn't one of the doctors pumping the lad full of mind-altering chemicals or psychologically reprogramming him to push beyond his physical limits, perhaps he could have done something to stop it back then. Not just for Marlowe but also for the rest of the unfortunate souls bound to the greed of the fascist warmongers considered to be the Federation's elite. While he can't change the past, Disker can certainly try to make amends now. [color=FFE6CE]"Let's have a look kid."[/color] he would state with mustered enthusiasm. Upon a quick glance, it was clear that the spherical mechanism was more than just a juvenile's toy. There was too much circuitry and intricate wiring that laid beneath the surface panels. Fascinating to the inquiring mind but not enough to distract him from the matter at hand. Disker would hand back the deceptively heavy device to Marlowe before continuing to walk towards the salvage bay. [color=FFE6CE]"Tell you what, come along with me to salvage and we'll see if we can borrow the tools needed to get that thing back on."[/color] the engineer would state, already a few steps ahead of Marlowe. Said tools were already in his personal quarters but he needed to ascertain some overlooked details of the scavenging team's latest sortie. Ready to slip ahead even further, a muffled yet familiar voice from a nearby source had told someone to "grow up" that prompted Disker to respond with "[color=FFE6CE]Invite goes out to you too, Eibril."[/color] Marlowe probably couldn't recall everything Disker needed so he would rope any who had gone out during the sortie, including the nearby Amagaida Xerda. The enigmatic pilot had skills unmatched by even those her senior but this most likely the meant the worst. A common trend in the Augusta Labs recruitment efforts were to target traumatized youth, particularly orphans, for their research effort. Of course, it wasn't advertised as such. Under the guise of humanitarian relief efforts, the Titans had promised that they would help the abandoned children readjust to peacetime as part of their campaigns to maintain order in the Earthsphere. While Disker couldn't be sure, he had a feeling Amagaida's upbringing certainly had to have been similar. Still, he approached her with the trepidation in his voice as they didn't have much of a personal rapport. [color=FFE6CE]"Pilot Xerda, if I may ask you to accompany us to salvage. I have a feeling either we or the assailants missed something and hired guns usually come back to finish the job."[/color] By the time they would arrive at the ship's wreckage collection and processing area, the scrapper crew would have gone through most of the initial screening process. All the serviceable materials would be placed to one section of the holding bay while the the rest would be hoarded near the jettison port in case they needed to make room, in the hopes that they can either readily replace the damaged junk with better quality scraps or hold on to it to find a buyer desperate enough to spend money on melted ceramic composite. Regardless of either future scenario, the damage marks of the latter scrap heap was what Disker needed to examine. [color=FFE6CE]"Did any of you get a good look on what caused this?"[/color] he would ask, taking a closer look at the scorch marks on one of the melted alloys. His sharp eye once again quickly came to a conclusion. [color=FFE6CE]"Because who ever jumped our guests are certainly packing tech that shouldn't be in service right now."[/color]