Cs Name: Blackrose Gender: Female Age: 450 Species: Neko Faction: Pixie Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/8c8SgM4L/miqo-te-y-shtola-rhul-and-black-mage-final-fantasy-and-1-more-drawn-by-kacyu-961392bf5792094eae45.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Qxpw4Ym7/5d91e0e0b1a6c34064fae5be1eea1655.jpg[/img] Personality: Blackrose has been Kuro's and his family's loyal servant for years. Supposedly anyway. She is a highly cunning woman who will stop at nothing to gain unstoppable power. Blackrose has become cocky and arrogant over the years. She believes that she cannot be killed after she stole the lifeforce of a powerful phoenix. When in battle she focuses her superior magical powers and destroying her enemies quickly but she always got some sort of trick up her sleeves. Powers: Phoenix Mimicry, Corruption Magic, Heartless Magic, Power Absorption, Rengenative Healing, Supreme Magical Powess, Elemental Mastery Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Elder Staff of Destruction Other: Pet Name: Doom Pet Age: Unknown Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: Demonic Dragon Pet Appearance: [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/584/415/large/jose-munoz-black-dragon.jpg?1463392237[/img] Pet Personality: Doom is a highly aggressive demon who will seek out fights for the thrill and fun of them. He doesn't care if the person he fights lives or dies. He will rip into them until his bloodthirsty lust has been satisfied. Doom, like his master has become quite arrogant still he doesn't hold anything back no matter who or what his victim is. Pet Powers: Demonic Force Manipulation, Heartless Magic, Corruption Magic, Dragon Physiology