[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#cdb7b5]Rose Buckner[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdy8elkAAU1raa8wb.gif[/img] [I][color=#cdb7b5]Location:[/color] Camelot: The pub [color=#cdb7b5]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#cdb7b5]"Well maybe if you had contributed you could have joined us in getting tossed around, or I don't know maybe Jack wouldn't have been taken."[/color] Rose snapped at Taylor. Taylor and Rosalia were frustrating. They had stood by and done nothing. She retrieved her bow and stepped over to Sierra. [color=#cdb7b5]"Are you okay?"[/color] She asked her friend. Co-worker was definitely not a good description for them anymore. Even though they had always been on the friendly side. Now a bit of Rose felt that Sierra had her back and so she would have hers. She looked up and nodded. [color=#cdb7b5]"I'll get your things too Sierra. Put some ice on the bigger sore spots."[/color] Rose said before heading up to the rooms and gathering their personal belongings. It wasn't a lot. But it was all they had. She understood why homeless people always carried around so much. The risk of losing anything felt so high. As she got their things she thought about what Rumpel had said. He wanted to talk with his son. Jack was his son. She frowned. It wasn't the first kid in the group that was the child of a villain. There was the girl who had been with Maleficent. She had been one of the kids that Merlin had brought to Nebraska too. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#bf85f2]Colby Jackson[/color][/h1] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/7b0413f440d949e2aa06a293c7bafb42/tenor.gif?itemid=9757139[/img] [I][color=#bf85f2]Location:[/color] Camelot [color=#bf85f2]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#bf85f2]"Ouch. You're just jealous."[/color] Colby said rubbing his ear. With the news that Jack had been taken by Rumpel, his hand dropped though. [color=#bf85f2]"The birds were a distraction."[/color] Colby said. It was sort of relieving to know that. It meant that they hadn't been targeted. They didn't have an unknown enemy out there. Instead, there was a known enemy. One that Merlin had been fighting for a while. [color=#bf85f2]"Let's go."[/color] Maddie and he had their stuff already, rescued from the room. No one had gotten a chance to clean up though so half the group smelled bad. Colby had his cat climb upon his shoulder with a tap, it was a trained trick that came in super handy. Colby had always been good at getting cats to do what he wanted. He joined the others downstairs waiting for everyone else to get their things so they could leave. His back slung over his free shoulder. He watched as Rose came back down a look of deep thought on her face as she handed Sierra her things.