[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210328/9827c356c3d53b92533410d746f68189.png[/img][/url] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6531/366eaa492115e89c56af96a56db05c3d0d43c271_hq.jpg[/img] By [url=https://aminoapps.com/c/voltron-legendary-defenders/page/user/rhivenx/Dgve_XDfdfL2ReaXvYqpgj7jWj8lNXjxlJ]Rhivenx[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b] School Year:[/b] 3 [b]Specialty/Apprenticeship:[/b] Healing [b]Magic Affinity: [/b]Light [b]Magic Class:[/b] Summoning Liah luckily inherited a rather large mana pool from her father, she uses this to her advantage to focus on summoning spirits. Despite her affinity for light magic and her skills as a healing mage, She has a passion for summoning. She has been practicing non stop since she first could, becoming extremely efficient in summoning mythical spirits. This spirit protects her while she focuses healing, distracting, or preparing for a larger summoning spell. She uses a Grimoire and her element is water [b]Home Country:[/b] Isunia Personality: Liah is very outgoing and sassy. Who absolutely loves all things floofy and cuddly. She seems to carry a box worth of treats in her pockets, just in case she comes across an animal, mythical or not. People swear they see her eating those same treats all the time as well. She is kind to everyone but has a razor sharp tongue and a mean right hook. She has become infamous for giving quite a few bigger bully’s a few black eyes and bloody noses. It was a quite hilarious thing to see a 5’3’’ girl knock a 6’0’’ muscle head on his butt. [b]Notes:[/b] -If it's not clear by now, she absolutely loves animals. She will attempt to steal your bonded animal and shower it with hugs and kisses. It’s a normal sight to see her surrounded by five or more mythical creatures while in class. -Her father taught her how to fight, enough to hold her own in a fist fight. -She loves food. She is almost always snacking on something sweet. She says she has never eaten the treats for animals...She says they are quite bitter… -She has a close bond with [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbVRn8vU8AA84iS.jpg] Mythical otter [/url] She calls him Rascal, and almost always has him in her arms or on her shoulders. It's a good thing he can grow bigger or smaller. -While she has a passion for summoning, this does not mean she skimps out researching and practicing her healing. She is always seen looking for new books that she hasn’t read, or asking Runecrafters for ideas. As if shes trying to find something in particular.. -She has a hobbyist knowledge of magical technology. [b] History:[/b] Liah has always been kind and sweet growing up. Quick to heal anyones wounds even before she could use magic. She would spend a lot of time with her mother while she was tinkering around with her inventions, enough that she finds all technology extremely interesting and breaks it apart to figure out how it works. However, not enough to focus her studies on it. It was when she was about 10 when she started getting feisty. Picking fights with bully kids on the street, starting with the ones who would make fun of her brother's injuries. She was and still is a little super protective of him. Despite the fact he can defend himself now. She always had a knack for healing, and she felt becoming a Healing mage was the path for her. She just uses her passion for Summoning to help her along that journey. Relationships: Emrin Carth- Liah randomly claimed that they were friends, and thus they were. One of Liah's closest friends. Liam Gibbs is her twin Brother [/Center]