[center][b]Shikaroku Nara Team 9 Konoha - Mission: Bringing down the Turtle![/b][/center] Shikaroku had fallen into formation as soon as Hiron had given the orders. Coming into the clearing he caught his first glimpse of the massive turtle. [i]"hmm."[/i] Was all he thought to himself. He watched Mia send her Ninken around the lake. It was clear what she was planning, and Shikaroku was glad that someone else was also thinking tactically. Instead of acting immediately, Shikaroku took notice of his surroundings. He noticed Hiron hanging back behind the team, his features difficult to read. As Shikaroku turned back to face the giant turtle, he heard Masami call out. Observing how she attacked, Shikaroku was slightly surprised to see that she knew how to use Water Release. While it wasn't unheard of, it was certainly unusual for Hyuuga clan members to use different Chakra Natures. Noticing how Masami had distracted the turtle, Shikaroku smiled. It had given him valuable time. Using the distraction, Shikaroku moved quickly to get behind the turtle. Taking advantage of the turtle's large shadow, Shikaroku used his Shadow Imitation technique. His shadow darted swiftly across the ground and connected with the large beast's. Not allowing himself to get too excited yet, Shikaroku held his ground, hoping that his technique would work, and that he'd be able to hold the turtle in position. For how long, he didn't know. But he hoped it would give them enough time to formulate a plan to take the turtle down. Speaking quickly into his communicator he addressed his comrades. [b]"Mia, Masami. I think I've got him pinned, at least for the moment. If you can, see if you can find and target this thing's weak points. We need to find a way to drive him from the water. If he gets there then he will have the advantage. Any ideas?"[/b] Shikaroku knew that he'd be able to come up with something if necessary, but he was trying hard not to over-exert himself. If he brought on another migraine he would be of no use to his teammates. He would have to rely on their skills which, something told him, wasn't going to be all that hard.