[h2][b][i][color=008000][center]In This Fine Town Of Arkham[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [h3][b][i][color=008000][center]A Night At Wilde Hall[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [hr] [center][img]https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/devonilx7/2020/04/forest_path_dark_150398_1920x1080-1536x864.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"[/b] - [i]H. P. Lovecraft[/i][/center] [hr] [center][@Lady Selune][@psych0pomp][/center] Mister Violet physically threw his head back in laughter, clearly enjoying the jest from [b][color=#cc00cc]Renee Bellerose[/color][/b], the sound of laughter seeming out of place against the encroaching darkness of the Wilde Woods. Regaining his composure, the slim figure wiped a tear from one of his eyes, the smile still creasing his face. [b]"That really is excellent, Madamoiselle. It is an honour to make your acquaintance."[/b] The introduction of [b][color=ac2100]Moses Reaves[/color][/b] caught Mister Violet's attention, and he seemed to look at the other man for the first time, one thin eyebrow raising in surprise, or perhaps amusement. [b]"Noire and Gray. I dare say the two of you are more suited to this sort of thing than I am! And a man of God, perhaps? No, no, don't tell me. The mystery is half the fun. What a lark."[/b] Patting the pockets of his suit for a moment, Mister Violet pulled out a silver cigarette case. Anyone who dabbled in the world that Moses inhabited developed a keen eye, and the quality of the case didn't escape the older man's attention. If Mister Violet's odd turns of phrase weren't enough of a clue that the man came from money, the silver cigarette case may as well be a signed note. Moses was snapped out of his admiration by Mister Violet holding a cigarette towards him, and towards the lighter. [b]"If you don't mind, old boy."[/b] Turning back towards Renee at the sound of her question, the eyebrow raised again, Mister Violet shrugged slightly. [b]"Well, I..."[/b] Seeming to catch himself, the smile crossed his face again, and he threw his head back with a burst of laughter. Focusing on Renee again, Mister Violet tapped his temple with one finger, winking at the slight woman. [b]"Very good, Madamoiselle, but I would be a mighty poor guest if I spilt all my secrets to the first person I met, even if they were a dame as charming as yourself.[/b] [hr] [center][@Kazemitsu][@DruSM157][@sassy1085][/center] The coachman watched the unusual trio is silence. If he was amused, or surprised, by any of their conversations, then his stony-faced expression gave away no hints. At least they seemed to be taking to their new titles and masks. It was a masquerade ball after all. That being said, the coachman has not missed the fact that [b][color=f49ac2]Rosanna Liang[/color][/b] appeared to know [b][color=#0077be]Alvin Fennel[/color][/b], and he made a mental note to bear the knowledge in mind when he returned to Wilde Hall. The hulking figure of [b][color=red]Drachen Steinboden[/color][/b] was an outlier, but not enough of one to take the coachman by too much surprise. He had been working for the Wildes for long enough to know Lady Wildes... tastes. As the three guests clambered into the carriage, the coachman cast a glance across the streets of Arkham. For now, no more guests were approaching, but the evening was still young, and he knew that by the time he returned, there would no doubt be more guests to ferry through the Wilde Woods. Pulling his heavy jacket tighter around him, he cracked the reins, and the carriage lurched forwards, and into the darkness. For now, the three guests were alone in each other's company, perhaps the last moments of relative solitude before the opulence of Wilde Hall itself. After all, the night was just beginning.