[h1]Rena[/h1] Rena was also at the Nimbat City that day. She had spoke to Pixie earlier and now she was sitting on one of the large tree stumps around the large tables. Her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She had witnessed this event every time and each and every time she did the exact same thing without fail even if she was aware of the time loops. She meditated quietly and so focused that white and black energy surrounded her lifting her in the air. Even those who had never met her would be able to sense her godly power. As she meditated mirages of her parents would appear behind her as she focused on her meditation. [h1]Aerial[/h1] Aerial was helping prepare for the King. He grabbed one corner of a banner, took a few steps back then ran and leaped in the air reaching the 10ft pole with ease. He grabbed it and held onto it as he tied the banned on. After pulling up the other corner and grabing it he leaped off but instead of landing to the ground he kicked the air sending him in another direction towards the other pole. He grabbed onto it and once again tied it on. Once he was done he leaped off and went into a dive. As he was approaching the ground he saw three Nimbats in his landing spot. He quickly did a somersault in mid air and landed just in front of them creating a huge dent in the soil. [color=8dc73f]"Hey! Be careful! I told everyone not to be in this area while I was working! You could of been seriously hurt. Who are you anyway? I don't recognise you. I'm Aerial nice to meet you."[/color] He tilted his head as he waited for their answer. [h1]Serenity[/h1] Serenity was also helping to set up the city. Using her autumn powers she created beautiful decorations like lights, statues and even figurines for the King. She made a few all over the city. She knew it wasn't much but she had to do her part. Once she had made enough Serenity walked over to one of the benches and sat herself down quietly. She placed her hands together then slowly pulled them apart creating a small autumn ball in the cage of her two hands. There she focused on it, tuning out the world as she played with her creation. At first she created things like trees, grass, plants and water. Then she started with animals, insects and fish. After that she would create early humans and watched them closely. [h1]Blue Fang[/h1] Blue Fang was sat on one of the round tables with his brother Aki. He watched as everyone helped prepare the city for the King. One of the people he noticed was a young child meditating. At first he didn't think much of her until she began to levitate. He saw the yinyang aura radiating off her and then moments later mirages of her parents appeared. One fierce white bear and a even more intimidating menacing black bear. Slowly he leaned over to Aki and spoke. [color=8dc73f]"Wow, look at her. I don't think neither of us could even dare to challenge someone like her!"[/color] He continued to watch her a little longer before he turned and looked elsewhere. There he saw Aeriel setting up the banners. He leaped high in the air and grabbed on to the first pole at which point he spoke again. [color=8dc73f]"How can anyone jump that high? Especially someone like a lalafell?"[/color] He was amazed at just how good the little guy was when it came to jumping. It was insane. There weren't any heights that he couldn't achieve. [h1]Swaol[/h1] Swaol was preparing to leave on her trip with Blue Rose. They may of been going to different locations but they agreed they would leave together. She smiled brightly as Pixie gave her the supplies. Before taking them though she gave Pixie a big hug. [color=f6989d]"I'm going to miss you Pixie. Thank you. I could never imagine anyone else being Nimbat Leader."[/color] She watched as she left to get Blue Rose's supplies and when she came back she waited for Pixie to be done. Then she turned to Blue Rose with a smile. [color=f6989d]"Well, we're all set. Let's get ready to go but remember, any artifact can be dangerous. Make sure you take every possible precaution you can, okay?"[/color] She turned to Pixie and watched as she approached Sky before turning to leave. She walked out the Nimbat City and into the forest. They would travel through the ancient forest and separate after they reached the end to their own destinations. [h1]Red Dawn[/h1] Red Dawn came through the gates with Erik and Lamy just as Pixie finished talking to sky. She smiled when Pixie came to greet them. She looked to Erik as he spoke to Pixie and shook her hand then Pixie asked if she could read Erik's book. After Erik went to leave she looked to Pixie. [color=ed1c24]"It's nice to see you again Pixie. I'll make myself at home."[/color] When Pixie left she walked over towards Erik and Lamy as they were heading off with the book. [color=ed1c24]"Erik, leave the book on Pixie's counter then take Lamy with you and stay by Nightingale and Miarikia."[/color] With that said she walked off over to Bella who was preparing music sheets for the King. [color=ed1c24]"Greetings Bella. I can't wait to here your concert, I'm sure it's going to be beautiful."[/color] Red Dawn gave her a welcoming smile as she sat herself down.