[center][color=gold][h1]Voren Accord[/h1][/color] [h2]Turn 0[/h2][/center] [hr] The leaders were gathered. Five chosen now represented the different subgroups within the Accord. Fritz, a tall and quite muscular humanoid with a doberman's looks, spoke for the canines. Barry, a badger-shaped man with round and robust features spoke for the mustelids. Toros, the largest of the five and the least talkative figure might as well has been taken straight out of the greek mythos, as he had features of an ox with horns and all. He spoke for the herbivores that were still here and decided to stay with the accord. Mica was a fox-like being, and represented a mixture of different species of furfolk that mostly classified as omnivores, but didn't share much of a special family tree. Mica was the one to call this meeting so early after the forming of the Accord. Last to arrive was Riss, a fluffy-looking feline humanoid with long whiskers and ears. As she sat down at the worn table, the meeting came to order. [i]"Well then..."[/i] said Fritz. [i]"I suppose it's time we agree upon what path to walk."[/i] Mica gave a fangless grin. [i]"Agreed! How exciting, the first thing we'll ever agree upon! Other than the accords, I mean..."[/i] And so the gathering commenced, to decide the future of the Voren Accord . . .