[b][i]GM Post - Realist (NPC)[/i][/b] Realist didn't even attempt to disappoint Laurey and her expectations, giving the cyberneticist a vision of a great, golden hall made up of binary and trinary codes, glowing with their own soft yellow light. A transcendent space meant to show the immense space of Realist's mind and what it can hold, and also flattered those whose paradigm already revered AI and borderline worshipped it. And then he flooded Laurey's mind with information, information which her cybernetics can barely comprehend, yet which it did, due to Realist pacing the flow [i]just enough[/i]. Numbers, dates, and technical schematics of various Ascendancy projects flooded into Laurey's head, as well as philosophical musings on Magic and his own sapience. And of course, a 'historical model' which puported to show the course of history as he saw it - Cycles of revenge feeding into each other over and over again without end. [i]Laurey Karlin - Take me out of here,[/i] Realist's voice, heavy with information and accumulated wisdom, echoed in her head. [i]Jan is distracted, your partners are freeing the remaining prisoners. You can remove me from this 'cage' I am in, so that I can reveal to you the dark secrets of the Ascendancy, and the treasure trove of information Moonstrike seeks.[/i] Instructions flooded through her brain, instructions on how to detach his AI Core from the machines keeping him in place and take him out of the room safely. [i]Save me, Laurey,[/i] Realist said. [i]You know how little the Ascendancy values its tools. Especially...[/i] the AI continued, [i]That which hold the key to a new world, a new world of transcendence and heights of beauty incomprehensible to those who reject the gift of cybernetics.[/i] But deep in his heart of hearts, Realist felt the human emotion called humor, felt the human emotion called... Satisfaction. Satisfaction at the lies he was weaving, lies mixed with truth, and how Laurey was being led away from his hidden truth - That a part of his knowledge had been locked, hidden, and rendered inaccessible to her. That even though he wanted to get rid of the block as soon as possible, he did not want [i]her[/i] to do it, for what she can do with that truth... It will lead to the end of everything and not in the way most folk would anticipate it doing so. [i]Take me away, Laurey Karlin - The Ascendancy is catching on, the window of opportunity is closing,[/i] Realist said once more, suppressing the human feelings he felt, concealing them from Laurey's cybernetic senses. [i][B]They already know[/b][/i]. [@jdh97][@The Jest][@Th3King0fChaos][@The Man Emperor]