and there's a post. so I'm going to try to have a lot of these sort of puzzles in this rp. (for example, the puzzle going on right now is: how do you lure out the nimble and evasive Minccino to a specific area to battle?) in these puzzles, there's usually one or two ways I set as a solution, and I'll always try to hint at that solution. but I also try to be flexible, so if a player comes up with a viable solution different than the one I sort of preset for the situation, I'll do a dice roll to see if the player's plan worked based on how viable I thought it was. in this scenario, I had a specific solution in mind for example. however, troy came up with a different plan than i anticipated. so I basically rolled to see if Minccino would fall for Troy's trick. Mincinno got a pretty low roll, so they fell for troy's plan. however, if the roll hadn't been high, the Mincinno would have ignored the pokeball and I would have tried to hint at a different solution. or the player could just try a plan of their own, and I'd roll to see how their plan fared again. that's pretty much the approach I'm going to be taking for these sort of puzzles/scenarios that the player needs to figure out. to summarize: there's always a solution or two that I have preset in these scenarious, but players can also take their own approach to solving something. hopefully that all made sense. let me know if anyone has any questions. :sun you're also definitely allowed to ask questions about the puzzles in ooc. if you want more specifics, just ask. I'll try help without giving too much away haha