Particularly through the hologram, it was hard to read Rareth’s response. Though, when she did finally speak up, it was with just the same calm as she had maintained throughout the conversation. “I feel it is worth mentioning that [i]no one[/i] will be entering the simulation until I give the order to modulate the containment shield to permit signal transfer. Indeed, Outremer receiving the object [i]at all[/i] is contingent upon you actually fulfilling your agreements. The negotiations between our governments ended with an agreement of full cooperation, and this is not an encouraging start. I would advise against acting in opposition to the treaty negotiated by your superiors. I expect that we will be working together, fully and completely. It’s non-negotiable.” “For now…” Rareth continued, finally shifting her gaze away from the captain to some of the others that had joined Freyr in the room. “I have seen your Sacred Band fight on multiple occasions. They fought alongside me, with every bit of skill and professionalism I would expect from my own soldiers. They are…perhaps limited by the technology they wield, but as soldiers, I would find them sufficient.” She explained. Certainly, it was high praise from a Datius, considering their usual standards. “If we need to keep the number of beings we send into the simulation to a minimum, while maintaining an equitable presence between our species, then you can send the Sacred Band, and I can send one of my teams. No more will be necessary. Even that may exceed what is needed.”