Chas put his keys in the ignition and began to head off to where they needed to. Go. Luckily being a cabbie he knew the roads like the back of his hand. "not far, its like twenty minutes tops, unless I can get us through the back streets, then it's ten. If my memory serves me right, which is usually does, it's taking us to behind an old closed down club. Remember the one called 'The Hive'? It's that one" he explained to his friend, wasting no time in driving. "I really hope you got a plan for just about anything as we don't know what we're getting into" he then added. As much as 'doing stupid in spades' was John's thing, it wasn't Chas' but that wouldn't ever stop him from being with his childhood friend. "there is one thing though John...if this is powerful enough to make the scrying map do something different, what else could be picking up on that same thing? If it's not the actual danger itself" he expressed. He was really hoping this wouldn't backfire in their faces when they got there, there was only so much after all that his small trunk could actually hold. Kay looked up at the silver eyes staring at her as it spoke and did indeed seem to a friend rather than a foe. She listened to everything being said by the figure, finding it curious to say the least, making her raise an eyebrow. "he? Whose he? Why can't you let him see you? I have no idea what the hell is going on" she told the figure, slowly letting her guard drop just the tiniest amount so her other wing could wrap round her again. She hated having these wings on show, but she would be lying if she said it wasn't comforting her and giving her some kind of inkling of warmth right now. She felt so utterly lost if she was truly honest with herself, she knew she wasn't human, that much was evident but she didn't fully know exactly what she was so if this mysterious bloke that as supposedly coming could help, she would accept it. For years she felt like she was going crazy with the voice in her head she dubbed 'fee', not to mention the times when she was younger where she got put into a hospital because no one believed her she had this voice in her head and wings would appear from her tattoo on her back, or she'd have dreams of her birth mother in a place called Paradise with a capitol P. She only got out because she faked not hearing Fee in her head, but that didn't stop the out patient therapy sessions from being mandatory for most of her school life. It didn't stop the word getting out about it and the bullying being relentless for it making her become quite the recluse apart from having her adoptive sister by her side. She had to force herself not spill her thoughts out to this stranger incase it was all a ruse to attack her later. As they were talking, Kay heard a noise just ahead of them at the entrance of the alleyway making her head snap to where it was coming from quickly, only to find it was a rat scurrying out of a bin, making her sigh with relief. Every little sound always putting her on edge incase it was the mysterious beings that were hunting her down.