“Or ducks, or the odd coyote” Slade would quip from his place at the fire. It was just edging past dawn and breakfast had just been finished. He had turned this into a mix of training and actual vacation. They were a few states over, in a beautiful forest just at the base of a small mountain range. There was a variety of small game that could be found in the area, hence the point of the mans quip, but that wasn’t the only thing in the area. Hiking and camping were another great draw for the area, but at this point in the season most people won’t bother as the temp was lowering. The weapon of choice for this hunt was a rather basic hunting rifle, bolt action with a five round clip that fired .117. Not the lowest caliber round, but not far from it either. Would be good enough to take down any of the game that the two of there were actually here to hunt at least. Though that wasn’t to say that that was all they had. Slade had at least three more knives on him. Two for throwing one for more general use. As well as a 1911 as a side arm. He didn’t think he would need it, but paranoia wouldn’t let him leave with out it. Jinayah was allowed to bring her knives as well if she wanted to. Not all of them, but half of her throwing knives as well as her main pair of daggers. They were hers now, and Slade had been working on getting her into the habit of always having at least one knife on her no matter where it was they were going. “Now. You’ll be the one leading this” He would go on to say. “I’ll help point out things, tracks, or other things that might be of use. But for the most part you are the one who’s guiding things today.” Yesterday Slade had been the one in charge as he got them to this camp sight. “We have plenty of daylight so don’t worry about that, and I will be able to get us back here easily if needed. So shall we start the hunt?” He would ask knowing that there was plenty he could teach out here even while they went searching for Jinny’s first kill. Stealth and Tracking being the top things on that list. And even if they weren’t able to find anything, Slade had slipped out last night and set up a few snares and other such traps that might have bagged something as well. One way or another, Jinny was getting a kill this trip.