[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Diplomatic relations⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Penny Stat block] (21) | (20) | (21) | (8) | (4) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Copy Cat) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Evolution) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Immortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ShineSpark) | (Perfect life) | (ManaFont) (Vow:Hope) | (Excommunication) (Redirected magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Non-standard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] All at once there was everyone else. Were she not so focused on the matter at hand it would have caught Penny off guard just how many people had arrived to assist with the Sanctuary. It was actually kind of worrying if she was being honest. With this many people being aware of it was only a matter of time before the Ascendency learned as well, but making sure that this place could act as the shelter it was meant to be while also being hidden enough to avoid conflict was a nigh impossible balance to strike. Put that logistical nightmare aside for the moment Penny strode forward towards the minor crowd that had gathered. Her eyes scanned those that had arrived, and she took special care to note those that she hadn’t met before. Of which there were a few. Her examination of them was rapidly derailed however, as Dina was revealed. In a very sorry state. ‘Shit’ She immediately made her way over to the wounded Cat girl to start evaluating her state. Snoopy would float around, eavesdropping on the various conversation that Penny wanted to keep an eye on while she attended to more pressing matters. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Bring them here when you can”[/b][/u][/color] She would call out to Shane as he walked off to round up the girls who had been taken to safety. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I’m getting a lot of signals in the nearby buildings, most of which is going to be them I wager. The buildings around here are otherwise abandoned.”[/b][/u][/color] She would explain. Never fully taking her attention away from Dina. Oros was quickly placed near the top of Penny’s hit list as she took stock of Dina. As if Melisa was correct, and Penny didn’t doubt the doll girl at the moment, she was responsible for at least half of this mess. The short-lived conflict below was going to come in handy at the moment though. Placing her hand on Dina’s sternum Penny’s hand would quickly shift until there were needles in place of her fingertips each once wickedly sharp. Rolling her shoulders, a fair amount of mana would be concentrated along Penny’s arms and a moment later, with barely a twitch each of the needle tips would be pushed into Dina, though not deep enough to cause harm. Seconds later they would pump into Dina’s blood stream a dosage of gray ooze. Instantly the ooze would go to work, acting as a temporary Regeneration for Dina. Sealing wounds and refilling Mana. Dina's unconscious state was patent, after the ordeal she had by pushing Oros back, her breath ragged and inconsistent, as if she was the last flicker of a candle about to go off in a storm. The catgirl's mind was busy trying to implant the ominous thoughts the madwoman had exerted upon her. The negatives outweighed the positives, much more when strange matter and power began coursing through her veins. She had not died yet, but she would die soon if this kept up. The newfound energy triggered a surge to live, as Dina's eyes blinked and twitched, before opening wide as she rattled her wounded body, teeth showing and hissing as her nails swatted at Penny's face, her cat hairs puffing up in fear and anger as she stood defiant at her supposed aggressor. Had it been most other people the scratching at the face would have been enough to get them to back off. Penny didn’t even blink. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Good, it’s working.”[/b][/u][/color] She would say calmly as the claws failed to even scuff her face plate. Instead she focused on pushing another dose of regenerative ooze into Dina’s body. [color=9e0039][u][b]“It’s just me Dina, you’re alright.”[/b][/u][/color] She would say a bit louder as she kept her hand firmly where it was. Using her other hand to keep Dina down if she needed to, but not bothering to stop Dina from clawing at her. [color=9e0039][u][b]“The attack is over. The Sanctuary is safe for the moment.”[/b][/u][/color] "Mew?" Dina squeaked in surprise as she took a better grasp at her current situation. Her eyes squinted at Penny. "You have returned, your Highness…" Her gaze then rested on the other assembled people that were surrounding the place. "Hardly a sanctuary these days. " She said bitterly as she tried to get up and start healing on her own. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Would have been here quicker, but jumping dimensions isn’t an easy thing to do”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would reply, retracting her hand now that she knew Dina was recovering. [color=9e0039][u][b]“But thank you for doing what you could while I was away Regent”[/b][/u][/color] She made sure to catch Dina’s eyes while she said that last part. They needed to have a longer talk about it, but it was important that she knew that Penny’s word choice wasn’t an accident. [color=9e0039][u][b]“And it’s still a Sanctuary, just not as hidden as I would have liked.”[/b][/u][/color] She would continue, tossing another glance over the new arrivals. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I know some of these people, but not others. But no enemies among them that I am aware of”[/b][/u][/color] She would note Maura, though she didn’t know it was Maura, as she had seen the girl before back at the Rave. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Cradle I’m guessing for most of them.”[/b][/u][/color] “I guess a welcome would be in order.” Dina said, as she wobbled into a standing position, managing to look somewhat composed by sheer force of will. “But as you can see, we have been hit pretty badly by marauders...and misguided people like Oros.” Dina said, as she said the name with a hint of sadness in her voice. “I would like to extend my thanks to those involved…” She paused. “And...yet...I would like to know how is it possible that half of Penrose rallied here. Perhaps later.” She said, before leaning in Penny, faking a stagger. “The timing is… way off. And I don’t like how...calm some seem about the whole disaster. We need to dismiss them politely. There are wounded or dying people as we speak.” She whispered into the robot. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Shane is off gathering those that were evacuated by Mariette”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would whisper back [color=9e0039][u][b]“Soon as I can send these people I’ll move to help who I can”[/b][/u][/color] Making sure that Dina was fine to stand on her own Penny would turn back to the gathered people before calling out, her voice amplified by Gravity so that everyone would be able to hear it. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Thank you all for coming. You should be aware that there is currently nothing to fight against. I can only assume that it is all of your arrivals that lead to this. There was a Mint raid underway alongside and a Monster attack, also caused by them. It is for the quick halt to these that I thank all of you.”[/b][/u][/color] She would give a deep nod, a show of respect, but little else. [color=9e0039][u][b]“For those of you unaware, I am Penny Asimov, Queen of Penrose and founder of this Sanctuary. I would ask of you all, who you are and how you all came to learn of our plight here so that I might further give thanks.”[/b][/u][/color] As she spoke her the weight of her presence would magnify drawing people’s attention towards her. A rather more indirect application of Gravity magic that many of the crowd here would be able to gather, but one that was still rather useful. It wouldn’t pull anyone from what they were doing, but those without anything to do would find themselves drifting towards Penny. For the quicker she could tell them to leave, politely, the sooner she could get to putting her home back together. [hr] Everyone at [b]Sanctuary[/b]:[@Ponn], [@twave], [@FamishedPants], [@BrokenPromise], [@Card Captor], [@Ariamis], [@Majoras End]