[@vietmyke] I remember reading the last iteration of this RP, but sadly at the time it was closed and I had a lot of work to do. While I'm not particularly free at the moment as I'm soon starting an RP (hopefully) and already in another one, I do think that I could fit one into my schedule :D I do have a question though that I would rather ask here than through the OC, because it tends to get murky when trying to find specific answers. As a fan of series like The Expanse and about a billion more medium/hard sci-fi book franchises, and someone who has played too much Titanfall and Battletech/Mechwarrior, I want to know just what exacly the aim is for the general feel of the mechs. Personally I am not a fan of Gundam, not even the newer iterations: battlesuits that are also spaceships and whatnot completely break my immersion, though I do realize that making space capable suits isn't necessarily impossible. I'd say that for me Titanfall finds a perfect balance between the very much IFV-like aspects of battletech, and the hyper advanced non-realistic battlesuits of Gundam. Is there any side of the spectrum in particular that you are leaning towards? I don't mind when mechs duke it out on the outside of some planetary dockyard in zero-g and ahrd vacuum, but having them fly around like fighters is a big no-no for me personally :lol Of course, that all depends on whether or not you even want/need one more person haha. I'm a big sci-fi/warfare nerd so I do think I would fit right in, but as said above I want to make sure I can immerse myself into an RP before jumping in. Nobody is going to get anything out of half-assed posts if I get bored after a few months haha ^-^'