[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210322/235a0e2e2be10bcf440fee6f4fe36a98.png[/img] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-18-2018/8HNSwa.gif[/img] [color=#BA55D3]Location:[/color] [url=https://promoshades.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/1417582_orig.jpg]Angel Grove Diner[/url] [color=#BA55D3]Interacting w/:[/color] [@Potemking] & [@Akayaofthemoon][/center] As she waited for Jordan to [i]hopefully[/i] respond, Charlie rested her cheek in palm, crossing her legs underneath the table, while she browsed her phone, looking over some of the digitalized plans for refurbishing the former GENESIS headquarters to make it more "Ranger friendly." As it stood now, the facility was a bit of a dump, but the underground portion where the brand new [url=https://3dcg.org/images-32/futuristic-command-center.jpg]Command Center[/url] was housed had been updated accordingly. [color=#BA55D3]"Gonna be a lot of work..."[/color] she mumbled to herself, adjusting the glasses up her nose. Charlie was so focused on her phone that she neglected to notice the towering man with a cowboy hat atop his head standing over her. When he spoke [i]and[/i] said her name, Charlie's eyes cut up to the man, nearly getting on edge until her brows furrowed while her eyes studied him. [color=#BA55D3]"Y-yes...?"[/color] she stammered, not out of nervousness but trying to understand who this was speaking to her. The stern but soft eyes were familiar along with the strong jawline. The man [i]looked[/i] like he was [i]Clint's[/i] older brother or something. This couldn't [i]possibly[/i] be him. He wasn't skinny anymore nor did he have the long, luscious hair. Charlie felt that [i]she[/i] had changed since she was a teenager as well too. As a little girl, she felt that she was awkward looking with dorky glasses typically rounding out her outfit. Of course, she grew more comfortable in her own skin and her body naturally matured in such a way that she was a beautiful looking woman. It was funny how time allowed people to grow physically into their adult bodies, but how was he doing [i]mentally[/i]? Clint appeared to be doing fine, which was evident in Charlie's thinking as her expression softened to a knowing and familiar smile, but that same "familial" feeling double with the emergence of the third member of this party. [color=#BA55D3]"Jo-Jordan!"[/color] Charlie managed to spew out, but not before the lively and protective woman immediately went into her typical big sister mood, just like old times. [color=#BA55D3][i]Gosh, I'm having flashbacks[/i][/color] She sat up in the booth a bit more extending her arm to try and calm down Jordan, but to no avail. There was no stopping her once she got going. [color=#BA55D3]"Jordan... this is..."[/color] By now there was an entire scene in the diner with some of the lunch goers observing what was going on. By the time her rant ended and she was seated, Charlie glanced nervously from Jordan to Clint and said quietly, [color=#BA55D3]"Jordan... that's [i]Clint[/i]."[/color] This mini reunion should have been celebratory with three of the original ten Rangers together after nearly a decade away from each other. Now, things were just awkward until they settled over. Whenever Jordan would realize what Charlie had said, Charlie scooted over in the booth to make way for Clint to sit with them. [color=#BA55D3]"Come sit with us, Clint. You must have gained weight, Cowboy,"[/color] Charlie said with a friendly smirk. [color=#BA55D3]"And, dude, did you cut the beautiful locks off? Oh my gosh... do you have kids now or something? Are you married?"[/color] She reached for his left hand to see if there was a ring on his finger. As she realized what she had said, she glanced over to Jordan as well too. They both were a few years older than her and probably had experience more 'adult' things than she had. Charlie felt like a kid all over again. [color=#BA55D3]"Oh, to answer you question, yeah, they still have your favorite burger. I can't believe I've got the both of you here right now."[/color] Was this something of destiny? What were the chances that she would stumbled upon Jordan a few weeks ago and Clint right at this moment? All in the same place? Charlie's heart grew warm as she glanced from Jordan to Clint and then the Power Morpher around her wrist. Neither of them would be familiar with it, obviously, since it looked like a regular watch, but Charlie couldn't help but to think that maybe, just maybe, she could unload the reason why she asked Jordan for lunch as well as pulling in Clint. Of course, Clint probably wasn't expecting this, but it wouldn't hurt to at least bring up in conversation. For now, she wanted to know what the two of them had been up to. [color=#BA55D3]"Has it... really been almost 10 years...?"[/color]