[i]”Let me send a few people down there. They’ll keep this thing for themselves otherwise. You heard her yourself!”[/i] Freyr privately pleaded with the Agent, who was hovering out of sight for the holo. 595 looked conflicted, and for a moment Freyr thought she might walk off altogether, but she replied after a moment or two. [i]“Very well. How many are going into the sim?”[/i] [i]”Twelve, six are monitoring from outside. It’s all in the mission spec.”[/i]. 595 nodded slowly, giving her the green light. Freyr turned her attention back to the exchange just when her name was mentioned. “Would a single squad instead of two decrease the risk of any adverse effects, Dr Lang?” “Well, yes, but there are sti-” “Excellent, that’s settled then. Now, it's my understanding that the treaty-” Freyr gritted her teeth, irritated at the erosion of her perfectly tuned plan. She counter-interrupted Andersen, resolving to let nothing else delay the launch. “It’s alright, Captain. We can change some things around and send five of my team down to the FOB. Does that work for you, Datius?” Freyr then pointed at one of Andersen’s junior staff. “You - can you find a shuttle for my people please? Now.” It seemed everyone responded to the change of tone in her voice, as the holo-table exploded into activity around her.