[@PaulHaynek][@13org][@AzureKnight] [b][color=ed145b]Ditzy Stoneclub[/color][/b] "Aw..."Ditzy visibly deflated when they're going with the other plan, one that Ditzy can't object since most agreed and went ahead immediately. Nevertheless, he waited from afar though the moment an ogre stepped up, his ears perked up as he looked towards the large green lady. This group is so fun! Smiling and waving to catch her attention to greet her and most of all, see how strong they really are. Though from the ogre perspective, it's just a particularly tall goblin waving from afar, albeit, slightly bulkier and muscular compared to most normal goblins. "Knighty! Think I can win against large green girl?" Ditzy elbow Reed, his action shoving him to sides despite the former probing him lightly. --- [color=fff200][b]Yang Bethlehem[/b][/color] She released a sigh of relief when they recognized them as their allies, gesturing to Kira with a nod of her head, they quickly moved to follow the group. Moving past the rocky terrain, Yang realized that she wouldn't see this path unless she was familiar with or raised around it. Then from afar, seeing Varjan knights at the camp had her hackles raised immediately. The only reason she hadn't sprung to action was that their escort didn't even react to it. That aside, she was lead to the camp and was greeted by a familiar person. Maria! "Greetings Maria, it's been awhile." Yang bowed to her before moving to introduce Kira. "This is our latest recruit, Kira, a reliable one too." "If it may not be too much to ask..." She eyed the Varjan armors. "May I be equipped similarly in those...Varjan armors? I'll need a disguise and there's no better than the enemy own." [@Rezod92]