The hologram of Rareth before them tilted her head and crossed her arms. “Terraforming? I did not approve that measure. Marae has briefed me on the your prior conversation. I was under the impression that your goal to start was to attempt to make contact with the entity and determine if there is a way to help stabilize it between now and its arrival on Outremer. Attempting such destructive measures, with no evidence that they are safe for the entity or its environment, would be foolish. What would be the point of any of this if we injure or anger the entity before it even arrives at the Cradle? I can approve an investigation, but nothing that may risk our core objective. Do you have any compelling evidence that we will only get one chance?” She asked. For a moment, Rareth looked away at something out of sight of the Humans. She seemed to be reading something for a few seconds before continuing. “Instead of rushing in headstrong into uncertainty, why don’t we make use of the tools we have? Now that we’ve solved the language issue, we should be able to remotely influence droids in the simulation. They may not be as versatile as going in ourselves, but we have a week to work with, and if we [i]are[/i] only going to get once chance regardless, we should use that time. We will not even need a military presence if we use droids. You say this rig you have will only work on terraformed ground? Let Marae’s team see the designs. They may be able to apply their knowledge to remove that restriction. We can try less risky methods in the meantime.”