[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210306/ca6a9c71bc4f1ef0289de3e2c95b767c.png[/img][/center] [color=0ba535]"And now these [i]villains[/i] shall be at my beck and call, lest I [b]crush[/b] their bones beneath the very castle they call a headquarters."[/color] Shandris smirked, evidently pleased with her handiwork. Though she'd rather leave the building to its doom, keeping it in one piece gave her leverage over the others. Not only would they be forced to serve her if they wished the castle to stay standing, but it would also keep whatever might lay beneath the castle deep in its many, many chambers from being forever lost to history because of the landslide-causing earthquakes. Things or objects that might be helpful in her conquest against the horrid contraptions and kingdoms of the civilized world, in fact. [color=0ba535]"Though, I suppose now it might worth saving the dolts. Otherwise my efforts would've been for naught."[/color] She continued, looking around the battlefield for anyone to no avail. Those she had fought beside must've been killed, caught up in the landslide, or probably even ran back to the castle like cowards. Knowing them, there was a strong chance it was likely the first one. Or at least that was how Shandris pictured it. They hadn't been able to do anything right so far, so how could they even live [i]correctly[/i]? With a tiresome sigh, Shandris drew her power forth; [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmw4G1wXwmQ]her person warping into the shape of a large owl[/url]. Taking flight, the druidess soared to the skies, [color=yellow]looking for any sign of survivors or bodies that remained on the battlefield.[/color]